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Psychology: Interlibrary Loan

General Psychology Orientation

Search World Catalog (WC) to order BOOKS on Interlibrary Loan.

Use the "Request via Interlibrary Loan" link to Begin Book Order on WC

When ILL Sign in Form Appears, type University ID # for User Name and Your Campus Email Password)

World Catalog Discovery (an alternate interface for searching WC)

Use "Get From Another Library" for an Article on Interlibrary Loan - EBSCO

Proquest (PQ) Databases - Click Abstract for Interlibrary Loan Link

PQ - Use Interlibrary Loan Link If "Check Full Text Finder" does not show FT

Delivery of Interlibrary Loan Books and Articles

Books ordered on Interlibrary Loan are delivered to the Circulation Desk of the library.  Time required for receipt of ILL is usually 10-14 days.  Notice of availability for pick up is provided in an e-mail message.  Books are checked out and returned to the Circulation Desk.  

Articles requested on Interlibrary Loan are delivered electronically to your email, usually within about 3-5 days.