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Psychology: Abnormal Psychology

General Psychology Orientation

Abnormal Psychology

Resources and research tips presented on this page are designed to provide extra research support for this course. More book titles can be retrieved through searches of  the Library CatalogNUMA and other library resources such as Proquest e-book central and World Catalog.  

How to find an article from the Journal Of Abnormal Psychology or a specific journal title

Begin at the Boreham Library web page:
At Quick Links, click the link for databases.
In the A-Z database list, select either PsycArRTICLES or PsycINFO
Use an Advanced Search.
In the first search box, type your topic
In the second search box, use the drop-down on the right of the box to change the field to "SO:  Journal Title"
In the search box, type in the name of the journal from which you want to select an article, for example Journal of Abnormal Psychology.
If you want current publications, adjust the Publication Date Range for the last 5 years for example.
If you want full text, check this box.
Click search
Scan the articles to see if the results are relevant to your topic.
If you find a relevant article, click the title link to view an abstract for the article and to get access to special TOOLS such as Cite.
If you do not find relevant articles, then revise your search terms (broaden -different terms)