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Library Policies

Noise Policy

All patrons bear responsibility to select an area that best fits their academic and research needs. Patrons should not choose areas where their work will disturb others or where the permitted activities of others may disturb them.

Noise should be kept to a minimum throughout the library, and the following guidelines are strictly enforced. All library employees as well as the University Police Department are authorized to resolve any noise complaints.


In the instance that you feel it is necessary to report a noise complaint, you have a few options to choose from:

  • You can virtually chat with a librarian to report the issue.  See the chat box on this or other library pages during chat hours.
  • Send an email to the Boreham Library at
  • Stop by any of the librarian's offices (Rooms 120, 121, 136, 139, or 218) or go by the Circulation desk
  • Call the Circulation desk at (479) 788-7200.

For patrons using the 24-Hour Zone after library hours, please contact Campus Police at (479) 788-7140 for all concerns or complaints.

Cell Phones

When entering the library building with a cell phone or similar electronic device, you should turn the device on silent or vibrate. Patrons may speak on their cell phones in areas designated for Group Study, the Atrium at the library's entrance, or stairwells. Wherever you use your phone, please be considerate of those around you and keep your voice to a reasonable level so as not to disturb other library patrons. Talking on a cell phone in the Quiet Study Areas is not permitted.

Quiet Study Areas

The northernmost sections of the First and Second Floors are the designated Quiet Study Areas.

These areas are for users requiring an absolute minimum of noise and distraction. Users are asked to refrain completely from conversations (including phone calls). Headphones may be used if noise from headphones is not audible to others. Students who talk on their phones or to their neighbors may be asked to move to an area designated for group study and collaboration.

First Floor Quiet Study Area: This area begins at the steps leading up to the study carrels and continues into the reading room with the windows facing the John Lewellen Sr. Outdoor Reading Area.

Second Floor Quiet Study Area: This area begins at the named study carrels and continues to the northernmost part of the building. It includes the tables next to the windows overlooking Waldron Road.

Group Study Areas

The southernmost sections of the First and Second Floors, along with the Group Study Rooms, are the designated Group Study Areas.

These areas of the library are considered semi-quiet study areas. Conversations and noise should be limited so as not to disturb others in the area. Engaging in loud talking and other disruptive behavior is not appropriate. Please keep conversations on your phones brief and quiet. Music or noise emanating from your personal devices is not permitted unless you are in a group study room.

First and Second Floor Group Study Areas: The 24-hour zone, the Lobby and Atrium, and the computer area next to the windows facing the parking lot as well as the large study tables along those windows.

Group Study Rooms: Whenever possible, highly interactive groups of two or more should attempt to use one of the Group Study Rooms. You must book your room in advance using this link. These rooms are not soundproof so please make sure your noise isn't disturbing patrons in neighboring areas.

1st Floor - Group Study & Quiet Areas

first floor study zones

2nd Floor - Group Study & Quiet Areas