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SOWK 2103 - Social Work - Introduction to Social Work: Research Process


Research Process for SOWK 2103

  • Try a "one search" of NUMA Search to get books, journal articles, and other materials on a topic.  If you choose, use the LIMIT feature in NUMA Search to restrict your search specifically to articles, to books, or to other types of materials.
  • Use Proquest Central and Proquest E-books to find more sources from books and journals.  
  • Search individual databases recommended in the Find Articles tab.  SocINDEX, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and JSTOR  are some important databases for this course. Get tips on using keywords and effective search techniques from the "Research Tips" box on this page.  The TUTORIALS tab provides search help for individual databases.
  • If you need to find laws and policy, search Hein Online and Nexis Uni.  Links to these are in the Articles tab.
  • Search World Cat to find more books on your topic.  Use Interlibrary Loan requests to borrow books and get copies of articles.
  • Explore Web Resources for useful web site.
  • Use Statistics to locate statistical information.
  • Use Google Scholar to identify more sources.
  • Cite sources using examples and guides listed in the tab for   "Writing & Citing". 
  • Ask a Librarian for help at any stage of the Research Process.

Research Process



                                           Research Process in Detail 

                                      (Click on the link above for more information.)

                     Virtual Library by Cathy Costello    Creative Commons 4.0