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MGMT 2863/ Finding Company Information

Module 3: Find info about a company

Now you're ready to begin searching for information about a specific company. 

You will search the databases you targeted in Module 2 on the Worksheet for Business Databases. 

To access the databases, follow these steps:

           Sign into your UAFS student account. (By signing in this way, you can easily save articles and citations to your Google Drive.)

           Select Boreham Library under Services for Students . 

           Select Databases.  

           Find the database you want from the alphabetical list.

  • Helpful Hint:  You can search for the Ticker Symbol to search within some databases.  This is helpful for narrowing a search; for example, you could use the Ticker Symbol for Target Corporation to make sure you find the company, not just the word "target" within the search results.   Find the Ticker Symbol for a company with general information about the company.