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THEA 3523/4553 - Stage Makeup & Costume Design: Articles

Costume Design and Stage Makeup

Key Databases for Theatre and Costume Design

Journal Locator

Journals for Costume Design and Theatre


Journal articles are very important to research, as they are often most current source of information from scholarly-peer reviewed publications.   Databases are the tools to use to find articles in databases.  They offer the following advantages: 

  • Expert indexing
  • Keyword or Subject search options
  • LIMIT capabilities to narrow search results by full text, scholarly publications, date range, and format

 Many articles are available full text in PDF or HTML format within databases.  If there is no PDF or HTML, click on the links under the article citation to Find Full Text  or  Request by Interlibrary Loan. 

Interlibrary Loan is a service that provides articles delivered electronically to your account and also loans of books.  The average time for delivery of interlibrary loan articles is 3-5 days.  Register for an ILL account . Don't pay for articles from websites without first trying to get the item through Interlibrary Loan.  

The Journal Locator  lists publications available full text in library databases.   The Journal Locator can also be used to produce a list of all the publication titles by subject area that are available within the databases.  

Association for Theatre in Higher Education provides a useful ist of theatre specific journals.




What is a Journal?

Most databases have boxes to check for retrieval only of journals or peer reviewed publications.  The following links provide more information on journals.