Searching Tips
Boolean Logic
Organize your search. Use AND, OR, or NOT to group search terms for the online catalog and databases.
Types of Searches (Keyword, title, subject, etc.)
Keyword is like Google—it finds your search term anywhere. Exact Search finds words in order. Subject, Title, Author, etc. searches are more powerful because they search only in those parts of the database.
Subject Headings Use Subject Searches (either Exact or Browse) to find database-specific terms that demonstrate what the work is ABOUT.
Truncation Use the asterisk (*) to search using root words. For “teen*” you get “teens”; “teen”; “teenager”, etc.
The Boreham Library's collection is organized using the Dewel Decimal System. The call numbers listed below are for areas of the collection most relevant to your research. You can click on the links to see more detailed information about that Dewey class.
700 The Arts
800 Literature, rhetoric & criticism