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Copyright, Fair Use, and the Public Domain

Public Domain Resources

Creative Commons Resources

Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that helps creators share their works through providing standardized licenses that enables creators to give others permission to share and use their works.

There are six Creative Commons licenses that creators can choose to use:

 Attribution license or "CC BY" license

Attribution license or "CC BY" allows others to use the work for any purpose, including commercial, so long as they provide attribution to the author.

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license or "CC-BY-SA" license Attribution-ShareAlike license or "CC-BY-SA" allows others to use the work for any purpose, including commercial, and make adaptations of the work, so long as they provide attribution to the author, and any adaptations shared are distributed under the same or a compatible license. 
Attribution-NonCommercial license or "CC-BY-NC" license Attribution-NonCommercial license or "CC-BY-NC" allows others to only use the work for non-commercial purposes, so long as they provide attribution to the author.
 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike or "CC-BY-NC-SA" license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike or "CC-BY-NC-SA" allows others to only use the work for non-commercial purposes, so long as they provide attribution to the author, and any adaptations are shared under the same or compatible license.  
Attribution-NoDerivatives license or "CC-BY-ND" license Attribution-NoDerivatives license or "CC-BY-ND" allows others to reuse the unadapted work for any purposes, including commercially, so long as they provide attribution to the author. Any adaptations created from this work cannot be shared with others.
 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license or "CC-BY-NC-ND" license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license or "CC-BY-NC-ND" is the most restrictive license. It allows others to only use the unadapted work for non-commercial purposes so long as they provide attribution to the author. Any adaptations created from this work cannot be shared with others. 

Open Access Resources

Open access (OA) resources are materials that are available digitally, freely, and typically free of copyright and licensing restrictions.