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Social Work Values & Ethics: SOWK 3853: Writing & Citing

Citing Sources

Citing your sources gives credit to the authors you're citing and helps your readers track your sources down.

MLA and APA are a couple of the most popular citation styles at UAFS.

See the box at the right for tools to help you format citations and bibliographies.

For more help, visit the UAFS Writing Center.

Citing Gov Info

UAFS Writing Center

The Writing Center staff at the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith welcomes all writers, at all levels of experience. We believe that anyone can benefit from collaborative tutoring and that the process of drafting and revision under the guidance of experienced writers is a fundamental step in strengthening confidence in one's writing. We hope to meet you wherever you are in your writing process and to assist you in further developing your writing skillset.

Citation Guides


[zoh-TAIR-oh] is a free, easy-to-use Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, cite, and share your research sources. It lives right where you do your work - in the web browser itself.

Other Citation Managers