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Paw Prints: UAFS Institutional Repository

Mission of the Boreham Library Institutional Repository & Digital Collection Management System

The institutional repository and digital collection management system serves two missions:

  • To organize, preserve, and make accessible the scholarly and creative outputs of the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith. 
  • To make available culturally significant material, held at the Boreham Library or Pebley Center. This includes objects that document the local community and university, and material that is unique or rare.

Purpose of the Collection Development Policy

This collection development policy is intended to provide guidance on who may deposit content in, what content fits within the scope of, and management activities for the institutional repository and digital collection management system at the Boreham Library.

Who can deposit content

Submissions to the institutional repository and digital collection management system may be authored, produced, or sponsored by University of Arkansas - Fort Smith faculty, staff, and students. Content created by individuals unaffiliated with the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith may be deposited if the content was created in partnership with a UAFS program, grant-funded project, event, or University partnership. 

Materials held at the Boreham Library or Pebley Center that document the local community or university, or are unique or rare, whether born-digital or digitized by the Library, may be selected for deposit by librarians or the archivist.

Content that can be deposited

Digital content eligible for deposit in the institutional repository and digital collection management system include works of scholarly, creative, and research nature. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Publications, including published journal articles, conference papers, preprints, and post–prints 
  • Books and book chapters 
  • Unpublished scholarly works, including white papers, posters, presentations, and technical reports 
  • Datasets 
  • Research materials 
  • Learning materials 
  • Theses and capstone works
  • Multimedia files 
  • Journals, conference proceedings, magazines, and newsletters sponsored by UAFS

If you have a question on eligibility of content, contact the institutional repository administrator at

File formats

The institutional repository and digital collection management system accepts all formats for deposit; however individuals should deposit content in formats that are open and sustainable. The institutional repository and digital collection management system is not intended to host draft works or content in proprietary formats.

The following formats are preferred:

  • Text content: PDF, TXT, HTML, XML, CSV
  • Image content: TIFF, JPEG 2000
  • Audio content: WAVE, AIFF
  • Video content: MOV, Motion JPEG 2000
  • Database content: CSV, XML
  • Geospatial: Shapefile, KML/KMZ

Rights for depositing content

Individuals depositing content must hold the copyright for the work or have permission from the publisher of a copyrighted work before depositing.

Content that is not eligible for deposit

  • Content you do not hold the copyright to or do not have permission from the copyright holder for.
  • Content containing personally identifiable or sensitive information; this includes content which violates FERPA or HIPAA, content that contains signatures, and content that is not in compliance with UAFS Data Governance Policy.
  • Non-digital formated material. The Library does not provide digitization services for physical content.
  • Content that documents the daily operations of the university; this includes minutes from meetings, memos, email, and course syllabi.

If you have a question on eligibility of content, contact the institutional repository administrator at 

Access to deposited content

All deposited content will be made available to the public, except when deposited under a time release embargo (full content immediately on the web, available to all users worldwide after a maximum of 3 years after deposit). The UAFS institutional repository is unable to accept material with an indefinite embargo. Note that if an item is deposited under a time release embargo, the metadata (i.e., title, author, date, abstract) will be visible and searchable on the institutional repository beginning with the date of the deposit. This metadata will contain a statement to the effect that the full content is under embargo. This means that visitors to the institutional repository will see the metadata but will not have access to the deposited file.

Removal of content

The Boreham Library reserves the right to remove material from the institutional repository and digital collection management system. Works that violate copyright, are plagiarized, include factual inaccuracies, or are not in compliance with a publisher’s policy will be removed.

Authors who wish to have content removed may make a request to the Boreham Library at

The institutional repository is intended to be a permanent record of the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith's scholarly output. However, there may be circumstances under which content may be removed. To preserve the scholarly record, metadata records (i.e., title, author, date, abstract) for content that is removed from the system will remain and include the following message: “Content removed by the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith. If you have questions, please contact”