Tips to research a journal and decide if it is the right choice.
The International Academy of Nursing Editors has compiled a list of nursing journals that follow the COPE standards for academic publishing integrity. The list is not exhaustive, but you can search for a journal title by name to check its legitimacy.
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory is a directory providing comprehensive information on journals. It is available in Boreham Library.
Predatory journals are NOT usually indexed in scholarly databases.
This tool is useful for evaluating a journal based on characteristics in a well-defined rubric..
Rele, Shilpa; Kennedy, Marie; and Blas, Nataly, "Journal Evaluation Tool" (2017). LMU Librarian Publications & Presentations. 40.
This guide was produced for CARL (Canadian Associaton of Research Libraries by Christie Hurrell, Jessica Lange, Dominique Lapierre, Elizabeth Yates and Lise Brin. CC-By license.